Atherton Leisure Centre
We were employed by the Design & Build contractor to take the planning approved scheme and undertake a thorough audit to ensure Sport England and Building Regulations compliance and then develop the design for construction. This then led to a total revamp of the internal layout whilst minimising the impact on the external appearance, which may have otherwise jeopardised the planning approval.
Facilities provided include a 6-lane 25m community pool, a multi-activity variable depth pool, a 150-station fitness gym, two dance studios & spinning studio, soft play area, crèche, and café.
The leisure centre has achieved a BREEAM rating of ‘Very Good’ by virtue of a high performance building envelope, large areas of glazing providing natural light with the potential unwanted solar gain / glare controlled by feature solar shading fins, widespread use of windcatchers for natural ventilation to the dry sport spaces, a CHP machine providing the heat and power to operate the building, and biodiverse green roofs.
An adjacent housing scheme was also part of the scheme, more details can be found here.

Atherton Leisure Centre
Stratford, London
Mulalley, L B Newham