Atherton Court
We were employed by the Design & Build contractor to take the planning approved scheme forward through detailed design and construction including discharging numerous planning conditions.
The houses replaced an industrial style backyard and make the most of the opportunity to continue the villa typology of the existing housing on the street side and create an enhanced landscaped public realm to the rear. In between the houses is a gated semi-private space providing parking and private enclosed gardens to each property.
Each house incorporates solar panels to heat hot water and achieved Code 4 under the Code for Sustainable Homes. They were also designed to comply with Lifetime Homes standards to allow them to readily adapt to the changing needs of occupants.
This development was carried out alongside the new Atherton Leisure Centre, read more here.

Atherton townhouses

Atherton townhouses

Atherton townhouses

Atherton townhouses
Atherton Court Housing
Stratford, London
Mullaley / LB Newham