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University of Portsmouth Business School

Saunders Architects are currently ranked first to provide architectural consultancy services to The Southern Universities Construction Consultancy Affinity Group, of which the University of Portsmouth is a member.


Our first SUCCAG appointment for the University was to provide a more professional and welcoming Reception for the Business School. In so doing the Undergraduate Administration Centre was reorganized to achieve a more efficient layout and overcome the current ventilation, acoustic and lighting issues as well as ensure that the reception and submissions counters were accessible to all.


The configuration and specification for the reception and submissions counters was critical to get right. We held consultations with staff to get a detailed understanding of their operational and space requirements. We also made presentations aided by 3D visualizations to ensure that the finished look would meet their aspirations.


To achieve an open plan office with good sightlines, but still provide all the storage and IT requirements to centrally located workstations, we designed bespoke integrated storage and services units. Improving acoustics both in terms of space separation and addressing noise levels in the busy atrium, whilst also ensuring that the natural ventilation system remained effective, determined specifications for the finishes.


UoP Business School Reception






University of Portsmouth

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